We're the community association that represents residents who live between Harford and Belair Roads from Glenmore to Hamilton Avenues.
Our mission is to positively impact the health, safety, and progress of Hamilton residents and ensure your voices are heard.
We can help you with:
traffic calming
vacant houses
inaccurate city bills
safety concerns
and more
We also:
keep an eye on zoning requests and liquor license changes
hold regular public meetings with guest speakers from city agencies, nonprofits, and other organizations to answer your questions and keep you informed
coordinate volunteer efforts so you can meet your neighbors while doing good
Informative Meetings
Neighborhood Cleanups
Social Activities
Help with City Living Issues
Attend our quarterly public meetings
Attend our regular meetings to be informed about what's happening in our community and share your ideas on how we can grow. Connect with your elected officials and city agency representatives, hear about volunteer opportunities, and vote on development, policy, and other important issues. We currently meet four times per year (the first Wednesday in March, June, September, and December at 7pm).
Become a member
If you are 18 years old or older and live within the boundaries of the community association, you can become a paid member. Your annual dues fund community programs like cleanups and social events and allow your voice to be heard by granting you a vote on issues at our meetings. Membership is $18 per person per year. You can join via PayPal at this link.
Stay in touch
Don't miss out. Sign up to receive monthly emails with details of the next member meeting and other neighborhood events.